6. Međunarodni dečiji baletski festival
Kompletne informacije za učešće na Dečijem baletskom festivalu se mogu dobiti putem e-mail adrese: info_dbf@yahoo.com
Complete information about participation in the Festival can also be obtained by e-mail: info_dbf@yahoo.com
Dokumenta za učešće:
Documents for participation:
Javni poziv DBF: DBF6-Poziv 2020DBF6-Poziv 2023
Pravilnik o učešću: DBF6-Pravilnik 2023
Aplikacioni list: DBF6- Aplikacioni list
1.DBF (29.4.2015.)
Svetski dan igre ustanovljen je od strane Međunarodnog saveta za igru CID-UNESCO 1982. godine, kako bi se još snažnije skrenula pažnja javnosti na značaj i raznovrsnost umetnosti igre. Datum, 29. april, je izabran u čast francuskog koreografa Žan Žorž Novera (1727-1810). koji je u istoriji ostao upamćen kao najveći reformator i teoretičar umetnosti. Nover se smatra osnivačem baleta kakav danas poznajemo. Tvorac je prvog dramskog baleta (ballet d’action) i pisac svetski poznatog dela, „Pisma o plesu i baletu“ (1759), u kome balet predstavlja kao pozorišnu umetnost koja sjedinjuje pantomimu, ples, muziku i vizuelne umetnosti. Godine 1982. na zasedanju UNESCO u Sofiji , na inicijativu Međunarodnog pozorišnog instituta odlučeno je da se datum njegovog rođenja, 29. april, slavi kao Međunarodni dan igre.
Cilj ove manifestacije je da se u jednom danu svuda u svetu slave svi vidovi igre, pa tako svake godine, na ovaj dan značajne ličnosti iz sveta igre ostavljaju svoje poruke, koje tog dana kruže i čitaju se u celom svetu, podsećajući nas na važnost i lepotu igre.
Sa istom misijom i ciljem, ali i posebnom željom da se na ovaj dan pažnja usmeri na klasičnu baletsku umetnost i plesno stvaralaštvo onih koji je tek spoznavaju i ulaze u ovaj divan svet, nastao je projekat Dečiji baletski festival. DBF je namenjen deci uzrasta 5 – 18 godina i usmeren je na popularizaciju, razvoj i negovanje baletske umetnosti kroz susrete baletskih pedagoga, studija i škola u okviru DBF-a. Ova manifestacija ima za cilj da se publici prikažu vrednosti klasične baletske umetnosti kroz dečiji izraz i da se na ovim susretima stvaraju novi kontakti i ideje koje će doprineti umetničkom stvaralaštvu mladih.
Ova manifestacija održava se svake godine na Svetski dan igre CID UNESCO – 29. aprila, sa tendencijom da svake godine bude sve više učesnika i da programi budu obogaćeni plesnim sadržajem, te da se i ova jedinstvena manifestacija održava na više pozorišnih i plesnih scena u Beogradu i šire.
Javni poziv DBF-a je upućen svim baletskim školama i studijima koji neguju klasičnu baletsku umetnost. Festival nije takmičarskog karaktera, već nudi priliku za prezentaciju rada sa decom uzrasta 5 do 18 godina, kako profesionalnih tako i pripremnih-rekreativnih nivoa.
World Dance Day was established by the International Dance Council CID-UNESCO in 1982, to more powerful draw public attention to the importance and diversity of the arts of the game. The date, April 29, was chosen in honor of the French choreographer Jean-Georges Nover (1727-1810). who is remembered in history as the greatest reformer and theorist. Nover is considered the founder of ballet as we know it. The creator of the first dramatic ballet (ballet d’action) and author of the world famous work, “Letters of dance and ballet” (1759), which presents the ballet as a theatrical art that combines mime, dance, music and visual arts. In 1982, at the UNESCO meeting in Sofia on the initiative of the International Theatre Institute, it was decided that the date of his birth, April 29, is celebrated as the International Dance Day.
The aim of this event is that one day all over the world celebrate all aspects of the dance, so every year, on this day of important figures from the world of dance leave their messages, which that day was circulated and read throughout the world, reminding us of the importance and the beauty of the dance.
With the same mission and purpose, but also a special desire to be on this day to focus attention on the art of classical ballet and dance creativity of those who only learn to know and enter this wonderful world, created the project Children’s ballet festival (DBF-Dečiji baletski festival). Festival is designed for children aged 5 – 18 years and is aimed at popularization, development and nurturing of ballet art through meetings of ballet pedagogue, studies and schools as part of Festival’. This event aims to show the public the value of classical ballet art by children’s expression and that in these meetings create new contacts and ideas that will contribute to the artistic creativity of young people.
Day CID UNESCO – 29 April, with a tendency to be every year more and more participants and programs are enriched by dance content, and that i this unique event takes place on several theater and dance scene in Belgrade and wider.
Public Festival invitation is addressed to all ballet schools and studios who cherish the art of classical ballet. The festival is not a competition, but an opportunity for the presentation of work with children aged 5 to 18 years, both professional and preparatory levels.